Administration Fee means any reasonable administrative costs incurred by us in relation to a Membership. Agreement means this agreement, comprising of the Details and the Terms. Biller means Full Circle Training & Development LLC. Class or Classes means an exercise class conducted at a Studio. Details means the details of your Membership, as set out in the Online Booking System. Direct Debit Payment Agreement means the periodic billing agreement you enter into with our third party Biller for periodic billing services. Fees means the fees payable for a Membership. Guest means any person who attends a Circuit who is not a Member. Instructor means any person who is instructing, or assisting with the instruction of, a Class. Member means a person who holds a Membership for Circuits. Membership include an annual membership, month to month membership and a multi pass membership. Online Booking System means the online booking system whereby Members can view and select a Class to attend and purchase a Membership. Pre-Exercise Questionnaire means the questionnaire or other screening we may require you to answer before participating in a Class. Circuit means any Full Circle Weekly Circuit Park Workout. Studio Rules means the rules referred to in clause 5.3. Terms means these terms and conditions. “us” or “we” means the Location to which you have agreed to become a Member. “you” means the Member the subject of these Agreement. 2. FEES & TERM 2.1. The Fees you have to pay and the term of this Agreement are set out in the Details. 2.2. If you do not make any payment when it is due, your Membership may be suspended and you could be refused access to a Circuit until all outstanding amounts have been paid. 2.3. Your Membership may also be terminated if any Fees remain unpaid for an extended period. You will still be liable for all unpaid amounts. 2.4. If you pay any Fees, by direct debit, then this will be through our Biller (not us). You will be provided with a copy of Direct Debit Payment Agreement of the Biller which applies to any direct debit services. The Direct Debit Payment Agreement, which we are not a party to, is entirely separate to this Agreement. 2.5. By nominating a credit or debit account, you authorise our Biller, to deduct from that account all Fees and other charges you are responsible for under this Agreement. 2.6. You must keep your account details up to date and ensure there is enough money in your nominated account on the usual payment, or the next working day if that falls on a day when banks do not process payments. If there is not enough money in your nominated account on the usual payment day, or there is another reason that your account was unable to be debited you may be charged an additional fee by the Biller, which may be added to your next debit amount. 3. HEALTH & SAFETY 3.1. When you become a Member and each time participate in a Class, you must ensure that: (a) you are in good physical condition and know of no medical or other reason why you should not exercise. (b) you do not have any physical, medical or other disability or condition which may be affected or aggravated by, or which may result in any sickness, injury or death to you as a result of: (i) active or passive exercise; or (ii) participating in a Class. If unsure about any of the matters set out above, you should not participate in a Class until you have sought appropriate medical guidance and been given the go-ahead. 3.2. You must not participate in a Class if: (a) you have an infection, contagious illness or physical ailment, such as an open cut or sore (b) there is any other risk, however small, to other Members and Guests. 3.3. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT PARTICIPATING IN HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING IS A STRENUOUS